McAlpine Plumbing

McAlpine Kneepads: A brand for knees that work.


Brand Strategy, Branding, Packaging, Social Media Content , Events

Tap to View Summary
McAlpine Kneepads logo design construction showing a flexible letter K and geometric typographyRedbacks Cushioning LogoMcAlpine Kneepads logo design construction showing a flexible letter K and geometric typography in white on blackMcAlpine Kneepads product packaging designMcAlpine Kneepads logo on productsmcalpine kneepad rubberised logo close up
kneepad insert outline illustrationMcalpine insert kneepad with branded fabric cover
Mcalpine Kneepads social media design and marketingMcAlpine Kneepads internal sales deck designmcalpine kneepad event wall designMcAlpine Kneepads logo design construction showing a flexible letter K and geometric typographyMcAlpine Kneepads point of sale design featuring an insert kneepad and smiling kneemcalpine kneepad demonstration tiktok videokneepad stress test with a lorry driving over a kneepad
Project Team

Joanne Little
Jason Johnston
Jemica Wan
Sarah Duff
Alan Cunningham
George Galbraith